Monday, May 5, 2014

Hudson Jeans Fall Preview

Hi all, hope you had a great weekend!

While spring is taking its sweet time to arrive, many brands are starting to showcase their fall and winter collections now.   Last week, Hudson Jeans held their fall preview at the beautiful Brassaii restaurant and lounge. Although I heard a lot about the place prior to this event, I had never been able to pay a visit. As soon as I walked in, I was immediately attracted by this unique loft space- high ceilings, industrial pipes and brick walls. My friends all know that I have a huge THING for LOFT. But since hudson jeans collection was very attention grabbing too, the space not only didn't steal the thunder but actually added more character to the preview.

当春天的脚步还如同乌龟跑步般缓慢进行时,许多品牌已经开始展示他们今年秋冬的设计了。美国洛杉矶高端牛仔品牌Hudson Jeans上个星期在一个颇有艺术气息的休闲式餐厅举办了他们秋季系列的预展。我之前就听很多朋友介绍过这家叫做Brassaii的餐厅风格非常独特,值得光顾,不过一直都没有机会去看看。所以这次一走进去,整个人就被里面的高挑开敞空间,工厂试设计所吸引。了解我的人都知道我对LOFT的情有独钟。不过还好,Hudson Jeans的整个秋季系列非常养眼,所以这个独特的空间不但没有抢去它的风头,反而还加分了。

Brassaii-restaurant-and lounge, king-street, patio, red-door

white-Coffee-mug, red-lipstick

hudson-jeans-logo, fashion-event, fall-winter-preview

hudson-jeans-fall-winter-preview-fashion-event, model-showcasing

There is definitely a wide variety of styles can be expected from its fall collection- from rock n' roll vibe with a sexy twist to classic flare with a playful touch. I have already added not one, not two, but three pieces onto my list (I know! Need to start saving up). As the quality is truly amazing, it's no surprise that the price range is fairly higher as well. One pair of jeans will cost you around $200. But I think it would be a great investment and versatile piece that can last you a long time. We all know that a perfect pair of jeans can be worn either as a casual piece for going to brunch with your girlfriends or as a statement piece for that hot date. 

不难发现,Hudson Jeans的秋季系列充满了各种各样的款式和设计-从摇滚性感风到经典淑女风-他们家可谓应有尽有。我看重了三条呢。(哎,我也知道啊,要开始攒钱了)。因为他们家牛仔裤的质量确实没话说,所以价格也就相应的要贵一些。一条裤子在200加元左右。确实不算便宜,但我觉得一条质量好的牛仔裤可以穿很久。而且吧,找到合适的话,一条裤子不仅可以穿去跟朋友们吃个中饭,还可以穿出性感的感觉来应付那个约会呢。
hudson-jeans, fall-winter-2014-collection, faux-snake-skin-jeans, fashion-event

hudson-jeans-fall-winter-preview-event, logo-label

hudson-jeans-fall-winter-preview-event, model-showcasing

hudson-jeans-2014-fall-winter-preview-fashion-event, model, zipper-details

hudson-jeans-fall-winter-2014-collection, campaign-photo

hudson-jeans-fall-winter-2014-collection, campaign-photo

If you can't bear with the long wait till this collection hits store in fall, you can also go check out their spring pieces right now. You never know. You might just end up finding that perfect pair you have been looking for. Good luck!


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