Monday, March 31, 2014

Jeanne Beker's Affordable-Lux Line at The Shoe Company

Canadian fashion icon- the most elegant, intelligent and sweetest Jeanne Beker has teamed up with The Shoe Company to offer an exclusive collection that is full of affordable-luxurious shoes and bags. And guess what, the whole line will be available tomorrow (April 1st)- just in time for spring.

Couple of weeks ago I was invited to a sneak peek of the collection at The Shoe Company's new Stockyards location. And I couldn't express enough how excited I am for this collection. Whether you are looking for something sexy, edgy, cute, or comfortable, this collaboration got you covered. Take a look at the pieces I picked and of course you are more than welcomed to make your own decisions. :)

加拿大的时尚领衔者Jeanne Beker近来跟鞋子工厂合作共同打造出了一个既有高端品味又有不昂贵的系列。并且,整个系列将于明天也就是四月一号正式和大家见面。几周之前,我被邀请到鞋子工厂的Stockyeards新店去抢先提前看了这个系列的鞋子。不得不说,果然非常令人期待。无论你是想要买性感的,有个性的,可爱的,还是舒适的,你都能在这个系列里一一找到。我就选了一些我个人喜欢的。当然,我也相信你可以用心找出那款让你心仪的鞋子。

Jeanne-Beker, The-Shoe-Company, Collaborations, Pumps, Sandals, Heels, Loaffers

Jeanne-Beker, Media-Event, Preview, The-Shoe-Company
During the media event, Jeanne Beker talked about how dreamy this whole thing still was- to see the labels with her name on all the shoes seemed so abstract. She said she believed that fashion should be accessible and affordable, which is exactly what this shoe line is all about. 


This pair of patent light green pumps is definitely my favourite from the collection. Not only the pointed shape and midi heels are right on trend, but the snake-skin-print straps also add so much character to it. It is a pair that I can think of myself wearing at multiple occasions- from an office environment to a dinner party, from brunch with girlfriends to a date night with my boy...

Jeanne-Beker, The-Shoe-Company, Event, Pumps, Patent-midi-heels
Jeanne-Beker, Fashion-Blogger, Media-Event, Preview

Media-Event, Jeanne-Beker, The-Shoe-Company
Mo-The Lion-Hunter, Fblogger, Fashion-Blogger, Toronto, Sasha-Satisfashion
Blogger Mo (The Lion Hunter) and I
Assia, My-cuves-and-curls, sasha-satisfashion, fashion-blogger, fblogger
Blogger Assa (My Curves and Curls) and I

Thank you so much for reading! I hope you spotted your favourite piece(s) from today's post. If didn't, don't worry. You can always go to one of The Shoe Company stores to check them out. I'd love to hear your picks.


             Photography: Stephen Foks

Friday, March 28, 2014

MaskerAide Sheet Masks Review

I've been on the hunt for the perfect sheet mask for a while, but haven't found the ideal products till recently when Charming Media asked me to give MaskerAide's masks a try.

I have to admit that I absolutely fell in love with the creamy and rich texture of their masks and the fresh and hydrated feeling after the use. During fashion week, I was busy with work by day and hitting the runways at night. So not only my body felt exhausted, so did my skin. These masks really came in handy to combat the tired-looking skin while keeping it hydrated. 

我自从来到加拿大以后就一直在找最好用的面膜,但是一直没有找到。直到最近有人寄了几张Maskeraide的面膜让我试试,我才感觉总算是找到了那个完美的他。 哈哈。我不得不承认他们家的面膜真的很好用,质地很清爽,也很容易吸收。再加上用完之后感觉脸部的水分被锁住了,非常紧绷和滋润。就在上个星期的时装周期间,我不仅白天要上班晚上还要参加各场时装秀,整个人累倒不行,肌肤也明显缺水。不过在使用了他们家面膜之后,脸部的水分都感觉更加充足了,就想充了电一样。
Masker-Aide, Sheet-Masks, Beauty-Blogger, Skin-Care, Make-Up, Products-Review
They have six different types- from lighter serum-texture masks to heavier ones that can be used right before bed . So whether you are looking for an insistent beautiful recover or a weekly/daily beauty routine, I think you could find the perfect ones just for you. I personally really enjoyed ALL NIGHTER as it's not as thick and so can be used in my daily routine after cleanser and toner. 

他们家总共有六款面膜:有像精油一样比较轻盈的也有专门在睡觉前使用的比较厚重的。反正无论你是想要一款能给你的肌肤带来及时效应的还是准备每天/每周来充电的,我都相信你能找到那款最适合你的。我个人比较喜欢 all nighter这款,因为它比较轻盈,所以可以加入到每天的护肤程序中,在洗完脸,涂完爽肤水之后适用。
Masker-Aide, Sheet-Masks, Beauty-Blogger, Skin-Care, Make-Up, Products-Review
Masker-Aide, Sheet-Masks, Beauty-Blogger, Skin-Care, Make-Up, Products-Review
Masker-Aide, Sheet-Masks, Beauty-Blogger, Skin-Care, Make-Up, Products-Review

Masker-Aide, Sheet-Masks, Beauty-Blogger, Skin-Care, Make-Up, Products-Review

If I have to pick on one thing that I'm not satisfied with, then I'd say it would be the cost. $5.99 for a mask doesn't break your wallet, but it does add up. If I choose to use it twice a week, I will end up spending almost $50 a month... But, spending triple the amount at a salon might just get you the same result. So having this mind, spending $50/month doesn't seem as much anymore. Don't you think?


Check out here to see the closest locations near you. Please let me know how you like it.

Thank you so much for reading!


Photography: Stephen Foks

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

City Corner

I wore this outfit on the fourth day of World MasterCard Fashion Week and shared it on Instagram. I initially didn't want to make it a repeat, but one of my friends asked me to list all the details about this outfit. So here I am- sharing this casual chic look on the blog today.

Spring-Outfit-Look, Chiffon-Trench-Coat, Orange-Mini-Toto-Bag, Street-Style
Since I have to consistently look for spots for photo shoots, I truly get to re-discover the city that I thought I'm already very familiar with. This has to be one of the best parts of being a blogger. One night when I was out for dinner with friends, I got super excited like a little kid who just found some candy when I saw this spot between two restaurants on King Street West. It is just so urban and characteristic yet very private and peaceful. 

"This is such an unique spot. I'm definitely coming back for a photo shoot," I told my friend, who is also a fellow blogger. "Oh yea, I'm putting it on my list too," She responded with a big smile.

以为已经很熟悉的城市。这也是当一个博客主最棒的其中一点。有一天晚上在和朋友吃饭之前,我在国王街上两家餐厅的中间发现了这条具有闹市中静区特色的小街道。特别与众不同,又不失了城市的氛围。我就激动地对这个同样也是博客主的朋友说:“这个地方实在是太特别了。我一定要回来拍照。” 她也开心地回应着:“嗯,我也把它放如我的清单当中啦!”
Spring-Outfit-Look, Chiffon-Trench-Coat, Orange-Mini-Toto-Bag, Street-Style
Spring-Outfit-Look, Chiffon-Trench-Coat, Orange-Mini-Toto-Bag, Street-Style, big-scarf
Okay, let's get to the story of this chunky scarf. I've been on the hunt for a perfect winter scarf for more than two years (trust me, I'm not joking). But either it was way too over my budget or just not quite what I was looking for.

Last week when I was browsing in H&M waiting for Mr. S to show up, I found this scarf hiding in a spot that no one would care to look. The colour combos immediately drew my attention. And after gently feeling it, I literally said "WOW" aloud. It was just so soft. After tired it on, my heart already belonged to it. And the best part? It was on sale for $30 (original price was $69.99). That was truly a Satisfashion moment.

But wait, it only gets better. When I was paying at the cashier, the sales girl talked to her co-worker: "OMG. This scarf is FINALLY gone!" I couldn't help but asking her: "What do you mean?" And then she turned to me and said: "This scarf has been here for the longest time. So many people have tried it on, wrapped it around their shoulders, necks, wore it like a scarf, blanket and everything else, BUT nobody actually bought it." I had to admit that what she said didn't sound pleasant to me at first- it sounded like I bought a left over that nobody wanted. However, I knew she didn't mean to sound it like that. I smiled back and thought: "This is a beautiful scarf. It was just waiting for the perfect person who could appreciate her and take her home!"  Yeah, 
on the first day of Spring, I found the perfect winter scarf after a LONG hunt. :))

Do you have a similar experience that you find the cannot-be-more-perfect piece after a long search and it felt that all the wait was worth it?
Spring-Outfit-Look, Nude-Pointy-Shoes-Heels, Street-Style, Boyfriend-Jeans
好了,现在来讲讲关于这条大围巾的故事吧。老实说,我已经在找一条特别适合我的围巾找了超过两年了。要不然就是价格太贵,要不然就感觉不是我想要的。直到那天当我在H&M等S先生的时候,我在一个非常不起眼的角落里发现了这条围巾。不仅它的颜色组合非常吸引我,它的手感也实在无敌-毛茸茸的,特别舒服。还有哦,原价本来是将近70的,现在打折为30。不过,这还都不是这个故事最有趣的地方。当我到收银处准备付钱的时候,卖衣服的女孩对她身边的同事说:“天那,这条围巾总算是卖出去了。”我忍不住好奇地问:“为什么这么说呢?” 她转过身回答我:“这条围巾在店里待的时间很长了。许多人都试过了。各种围法也都被尝试过。就是没人买。” 说实在的,当听到她说这话的时候,我确实不怎么开心-感觉自己是捡了别人不要的剩饭。当然,我知道她不是故意的。我就回笑了一下然后告诉自己:“这条围巾这么特别。它一直在等待它的伯乐。”

Spring-Outfit-Look, Chiffon-Trench-Coat, Orange-Mini-Toto-Bag, Street-Style, Casual-Chic
Spring-Outfit-Look, Chiffon-Trench-Coat, Orange-Mini-Toto-Bag, Yellow-Nail-Polish
Spring-Outfit-Look, Chiffon-Trench-Coat, Orange-Mini-Toto-Bag, Chunky scarf
Thank you so much for reading! Hope you are having a great week so far.

Chiffon Trench: Oak & Fort (old, similar here | here)
Shirt: Club Monaco (old, similar here)
Top: Club Monaco (old, similar here)
Scarf: H&M (current, similar here | love this spring scarf) 
Bag: Zara (old, similar here | here)
Shoes: Ivanka Trump (old, similar here | here | here)
Jeans: Hollister (on sale here)

Photography: Stephen Foks

Monday, March 24, 2014

Parisian Chic with Malorie Urbanovitch

From Edmonton to Calgary to Toronto, Mercedes-Benz Start-Up winner Malorie Urbanovitch and her label has come a long way. And luckily, we have been there to witness her success and growth and are truly happy to hear that her Spring/Summer 2014 collection will be available at Gravity Pope stores national wide. 

Last week we were invited to visit her show room during World MasterCard Fashion Week and got to have a little chat with this lovely lady.

从埃德蒙顿到卡尔加里再到多伦多,这个奔驰设计师新秀大赛比赛的冠军和她的品牌一路走来,越走越远,越走越成功。我们有幸能在这一路目睹她的成功和成长,并且对她2014年的春夏系列即将在全国的Gravity Pope售卖而特别为她感到高兴。上周在多伦多国际时装周期间,我们被邀请到她的展示室去近距离地感受了她服饰的布料和材质并与这位聪慧的女孩进行了一个简短的访谈。
Mercedes-Benz-Start-Up-Semi-Final, Dreamboat-Lucy, Malorie-Urbanovitch, Winners
Along with Dreamboat Lucy, Malorie Urbanovitch won the Mercedes-Benz Start Up Semi Final in Calgary in April, 2013
Mercedes-Benz-Start-Up-Final, Malorie-Urbanovitch, World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week
Malorie Urbanovitch was the co-winner of Mercedes-Benz Start Up Final Competition in Toronto in October, 2013
World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Show-room, Malorie-Urbanovitch, Fall-Winter-2014
Malorie Urbanovitch and her model in her showroom during World MasterCard Fashion Week 2014

Started her label MalorieUrbanovitch in Edmonton, Malorie says she is very grateful for all the local support she has been given and is very lucky to be able to create something fresh in a not-so-crowded city. 

"But I can't be the one to start an industry there. The atmosphere is just not there yet." She says. If they decide to make a move, then the next destination should be Toronto. "We haven't decided it yet, but we do feel that being so far away from the centre does feel inconvenient," she adds: "For example this time when people asked us if they can visit the show room next week, we just had to say no. We won't be here anymore. We are leaving on Saturday." Although moving to Toronto is still not a set-in-stone plan yet, Malorie does feel that being in the fashion centre of Canada might just be what her label needs right now. 

“但是我没有办法作为那个来创建整个时尚社区的人。那里的整个大环境并不具备。” 如果他们决定换个城市的话,那应该会选择多伦多作为下一站。“我们还没有作出决定,但是觉得离中心城市这么远确实给我们带来很多不便。” 她又说:“比如说这次,许多人问我们他们是否可以下个星期再来我们的展示室,我们只能说不行。我们这个星期六就离开了。” 所以尽管搬家这个计划还尘埃未定,但Malorie觉得在中心城市可能正是她的品牌目前所需要的。
World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Show-room, Malorie-Urbanovitch, designer-interview

When I asked about her takes on fast fashion and whether the affordable clothing from big retailers is affecting local designers like her, she paused and answered: "Yes, I do think that fast fashion is affecting us as many people just want to buy something cheap and wear it for one season...But I do also believe that some women would love to have some investment pieces in her closet that she can wear for a long time and even pass on to her daughter. "

It is interesting but not so surprising when Malorie told me she is not a big fan of trends. "Whenever people asked me what current trends I like, I always told them that I hate trends. I don't follow trends at all. " To me, this actually ties in with the momentum of her design and label- minimalist with a contemporary twist. "I'm so inspired by the effortless-chic Parisian style that looks unintentional but yet so chic and stylish." 


有趣但并不令我惊讶地是Malorie说她对流行元素并不感冒。“每当别人问我喜欢什么当下流行的元素的时候,我都会说我讨厌流行元素。我从来不跟从流行的。” 我觉得这其实跟她的设计理念是相辅相成的-简约现代派。 “那种巴黎街头的随性时尚非常感染我,看起来不经意的搭配却那么时尚又有个性。”
World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Show-room, Malorie-Urbanovitch, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Show-room, Malorie-Urbanovitch, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Show-room, Malorie-Urbanovitch, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Show-room, Malorie-Urbanovitch, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Show-room, Malorie-Urbanovitch, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Show-room, Malorie-Urbanovitch, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Show-room, Malorie-Urbanovitch, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Show-room, Malorie-Urbanovitch, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Show-room, Malorie-Urbanovitch, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Show-room, Malorie-Urbanovitch, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Show-room, Malorie-Urbanovitch, Fall-Winter-2014

Thank you so much for reading!

Photography: Stephen Foks

Sunday, March 23, 2014

World MasterCard Fashion Week- F/W Day Five

Okay, so this is IT! The last day of World MasterCard Fashion Week was packed with a wide variety of styles- from futuristic minimalism to the mix of modern and retro, from elegant contemporary pieces to dress-to-kill couture dresses... It was no doubt a night that fully turned fashion into satisfaction.


Born and raised in Alberta and currently calling Montreal her home, Brittany Wacher definitely did a good job moving fashion forward on her first impression at Toronto Fashion Week. Although I was not familiar with her prior to this fashion event, I did do my homework and some research. Her intense fashion design experience and amazing past-season collections really caught my attention. So I was quite looking forward to see her Fall/Winter 14 collection, and luckily, being able to sit at the front row truly allowed me to closely appreciate her architecturally inspired design and colour blocking drama.  


World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto-Runway, Brit-Wacher, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto-Runway, Brit-Wacher, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto-Runway, Brit-Wacher, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto-Runway, Brit-Wacher, Fall-Winter-2014


This was one of the collections that I really wanted to see last season, but due to some personal reasons, I couldn't make it. So I promised myself that I have to be there this time. The modern vibe with a retro twist has always been my cup of tea. So Hilary MacMillan's collection could not be more perfect.

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto, Runway, HILARY-MACMILLAN, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto, Runway, HILARY-MACMILLAN, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto, Runway, HILARY-MACMILLAN, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto, Runway, HILARY-MACMILLAN, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto, Runway, HILARY-MACMILLAN, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto, Runway, HILARY-MACMILLAN, Fall-Winter-2014

Matthew Gallagher last season's collection really blew me away, so you can probably imagine how excited I was to see his Fall/Winter collection this time. But, it's easier to get disappointed when you have high expectations. And yes, I felt like there was not enough drama and excitement- I was looking for more. Of course, this collection is still beautiful and elegant, but I blame his last collection- it is hard to follow up to something that good.  


World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto-Runway, Matthew-Gallagher, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto-Runway, Matthew-Gallagher, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto-Runway, Matthew-Gallagher, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto-Runway, Matthew-Gallagher, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto-Runway, Matthew-Gallagher, Fall-Winter-2014


Stephan Caras's show was so packed that many audiences had to stand on the aisles between different sections. And yes, the show was amazing! So many cinderella dresses with a sexy twist made them on the top-wanted list. 


World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto-Runway, Stephen-Caras, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto-Runway, Stephen-Caras, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto-Runway, Stephen-Caras, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto-Runway, Stephen-Caras, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto-Runway, Stephen-Caras, Fall-Winter-2014

World-MasterCard-Fashion-Week, Toronto-Runway, Stephen-Caras, Fall-Winter-2014

Thank you so much for reading! Attending World MasterCard Fashion Week for the second time was definitely a different experience from the first one. Although it was still as exciting, the surprise and mystery factor was not as strong. Plus, while last time I could be siting in the media lounge by myself and consistently looking at my phone to kill the boredom, this fashion week I actually got to connect with a lot of fashionistas and bloggers and to have some nice conversations.

We are planning a different way to cover the next Toronto fashion week- it will be for sure more exciting! We promise! But before then, stay tuned!



Photography: George Pimentel / Getty Images