Although today is already the second day of World MasterCard Fashion Week, I still can't believe it's been six months since the last one. This time, we will be reporting Toronto Fashion Week differently. Instead of showcasing all the pieces from each collection, I will be more selective by only sharing the pieces that I truly like or instantly caught my eye. Okay, Let's get into it.
This london trained designer really kicked off this season's fashion week with full power- which is not a surprise as Mikhael Kale has always been one of the most highly anticipated shows since his first one in 2007. Although he is no stranger to futuristic designs and prints, yesterday's runway really showcased how more creative he can be and how much further he is willing to push to.
这个在伦敦深造的设计师绝对给本次时装周开了一个好头并带来了不少惊喜。不过, 自从2007年Mikhael Kale在多伦多时装周大放异彩之后,它的秀每年都是最受关注的一场之一。尽管他的设计从来都是非常大胆具有时空效应的,不过这次的整个系列让人惊叹他还可以延续大胆的创意并且愿意把不可能变为可能。
Founded in 2004 in Toronto by Sunny Fong, VAWK is a locally hand crafted luxury ready to wear label. Its Fall/Winter 2014 collection is going to be not just about leather, fur, and other cold weather elements but also will integrate sequin, silk and some lighter silhouettes.
这个2004年由多伦多设计师Sunny Fong创立的奢侈品牌是在本土手工裁减制作的。他2014年的秋冬系列将带来的不仅仅是皮革,毛皮等冬天向来流行的元素,还引进了一些亮片,丝绸等更加清新的剪影。
Sisters’ super power continued on World MasterCard Fashion Week- Beaufille not only kept up their traditional Rock "N" Roll cool girl vibe but also added a little feminine (just a little) and aesthetic feel to the collection.
Excuse my limited knowledge, I wasn't familiar with this brand at all and so didn't have a high expectation either. However, once the first look started appearing on the runway, I could not help but WOWing aloud. The bold colour, the mixing of different shades of pink, the edgy yet feminine element, and the cozy and chic vibe are just right up my alley. I have to admit that Line Knitwear was definitely my favourite show on the first day. Many pieces are so glamourous yet ready-to-wear. Although I am so tired of winter and cannot wait to jump right into spring, this FW14 collection even made me want to stay in the cold weather for just a little bit longer. How powerful is that?
Sid Neigum's show definitely wrapped up the first day with no disappointment. His FW 14 collection has a wide range of variety- from structured pieces, pattern designs, ready-to-wear knitwear and much more. The music choice was quite unique and interesting- classical melody played by four musicians at the back, but since it was the last show of the day, the music did sound a little bit dragging and depressing. However, despite the music, the whole collection was truly amazing and inspiring.
这是当晚最后一场秀。Sid Neigum也绝对没有令大家失望。他的秋冬系列展现了一个款式跨度大,设计多变的着装。从强的架构性,明显的图案设计,到舒适的毛衣等,整个系列确实让人为之一叹。不过,在背景音乐的选择上有些令人纳闷,尽管比较舒缓也很大气,但由于它是当晚的最后一场,整个音乐让人感觉很沮丧。不过,还好它的设计非常别出心裁,也给人带来了无限的遐想空间,所以整个系列还是相当具有震撼力
Thank you so much for reading!
Which pieces are YOUR favourites?
Hope you enjoyed the first day of World MasterCard Fashion Week as much as I did. I can't wait to see what other talented designers have to offer on today's runway. Talk to you soon!
Photography: George Pimentel / Getty Images
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