Hi everyone,
Today I'm going for a simple grey from head to toe while still playing with different textures and shades of grey. And by adding a little orange as a pop up colour, the outfit has insistently become more interesting.
As writing this post, I'm listening to "Anything" by Hedley.
"Everybody said you better stay in school. Get a real job don't be a fool. Burn that guitar, you can never be a star...Everybody said don't go any higher...never push the limit and don't play with fire."This song really got me thinking. I was so lucky to have a mom who was open-minded and supportive, and most importantly, who allowed me to dream and the bigger the better. When I was as little as 6, I told her that I wanted to be a movie star. She didn't hit me with the this-is-impossible theory, but instead curiously asked me: "Sounds good! Who do you want to be?" Although now I don't recall my answer, I'd never forget the exciting and supportive smile she gave me. Four years later, one day when my mom and I were watching the news and seeing a reporter doing her stand-up on camera, I told my mom: "I want to be her!" She responded: "Oh yeah? That surly will be an exciting job!" And little did we know, 13 years later, I became a TV reporter. Although my mom is not here with me anymore, I still maintain the momentum that "I CAN!" So when I wanted to start a blog and to get into fashion, I didn't ask myself: "Can I? Should I?" I just started it. Period.
What's next for me? I don't know. But what I'm sure about is that I will be keeping chasing after my dreams. It's smart to be a good listener and absorb good suggestions from others, but don't ever let other people take away your rights to dream from you. Keep dreaming, the bigger the better! The next step? Set a timeline to your dream, so your dream can become reality.
Keep dreaming, friends! :))

想起来,我真的很幸运地拥有一个开放明主且永远支持我的妈妈,最重要地是,她允许我有梦想,梦做得越大越好。当我6岁的时候,我告诉我妈妈,我长大了想成为一个电影明星。她不但没有打击我,还好奇地问我:“你想像谁一样呢?” 尽管我现在已经不记得我当初的答案了,但她兴奋且肯定的笑容深深地刻在了我的脑海里。四年后的某天当我在和妈妈看新闻联播的时候,看见一个记者正在电视上报新闻,我便对妈妈说:“我想成为她!”我妈高兴地回答我:“嗯,这个工作一定很有趣!” 谁知道13年后,我就成为了一名电视记者。尽管我妈现在已经不在人世了,我还是一直保持着这种“我能!”的观念。 所以当我想写博客并进入时尚圈的时候,我眼睛都没有眨地就开始了。
亲们,继续做梦并圆梦吧! :))
Thank you so much for stopping by!
Photography: Stephen Foks
Skirt: Zara (old, similar here)
Bag: Zara (old, love this one)
Shoes: Zara (old)
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