I wore this outfit on the fourth day of World MasterCard Fashion Week and shared it on Instagram. I initially didn't want to make it a repeat, but one of my friends asked me to list all the details about this outfit. So here I am- sharing this casual chic look on the blog today.
Since I have to consistently look for spots for photo shoots, I truly get to re-discover the city that I thought I'm already very familiar with. This has to be one of the best parts of being a blogger. One night when I was out for dinner with friends, I got super excited like a little kid who just found some candy when I saw this spot between two restaurants on King Street West. It is just so urban and characteristic yet very private and peaceful.
"This is such an unique spot. I'm definitely coming back for a photo shoot," I told my friend, who is also a fellow blogger. "Oh yea, I'm putting it on my list too," She responded with a big smile.
由于我需要经常在城市里找一些地方来拍照,所以这也就给我一个很好的机会来重新认识这个我自以为已经很熟悉的城市。这也是当一个博客主最棒的其中一点。有一天晚上在和朋友吃饭之前,我在国王街上两家餐厅的中间发现了这条具有闹市中静区特色的小街道。特别与众不同,又不失了城市的氛围。我就激动地对这个同样也是博客主的朋友说:“这个地方实在是太特别了。我一定要回来拍照。” 她也开心地回应着:“嗯,我也把它放如我的清单当中啦!” |

Okay, let's get to the story of this chunky scarf. I've been on the hunt for a perfect winter scarf for more than two years (trust me, I'm not joking). But either it was way too over my budget or just not quite what I was looking for.
Last week when I was browsing in H&M waiting for Mr. S to show up, I found this scarf hiding in a spot that no one would care to look. The colour combos immediately drew my attention. And after gently feeling it, I literally said "WOW" aloud. It was just so soft. After tired it on, my heart already belonged to it. And the best part? It was on sale for $30 (original price was $69.99). That was truly a Satisfashion moment.
But wait, it only gets better. When I was paying at the cashier, the sales girl talked to her co-worker: "OMG. This scarf is FINALLY gone!" I couldn't help but asking her: "What do you mean?" And then she turned to me and said: "This scarf has been here for the longest time. So many people have tried it on, wrapped it around their shoulders, necks, wore it like a scarf, blanket and everything else, BUT nobody actually bought it." I had to admit that what she said didn't sound pleasant to me at first- it sounded like I bought a left over that nobody wanted. However, I knew she didn't mean to sound it like that. I smiled back and thought: "This is a beautiful scarf. It was just waiting for the perfect person who could appreciate her and take her home!" Yeah, on the first day of Spring, I found the perfect winter scarf after a LONG hunt. :))
Do you have a similar experience that you find the cannot-be-more-perfect piece after a long search and it felt that all the wait was worth it? |
好了,现在来讲讲关于这条大围巾的故事吧。老实说,我已经在找一条特别适合我的围巾找了超过两年了。要不然就是价格太贵,要不然就感觉不是我想要的。直到那天当我在H&M等S先生的时候,我在一个非常不起眼的角落里发现了这条围巾。不仅它的颜色组合非常吸引我,它的手感也实在无敌-毛茸茸的,特别舒服。还有哦,原价本来是将近70的,现在打折为30。不过,这还都不是这个故事最有趣的地方。当我到收银处准备付钱的时候,卖衣服的女孩对她身边的同事说:“天那,这条围巾总算是卖出去了。”我忍不住好奇地问:“为什么这么说呢?” 她转过身回答我:“这条围巾在店里待的时间很长了。许多人都试过了。各种围法也都被尝试过。就是没人买。” 说实在的,当听到她说这话的时候,我确实不怎么开心-感觉自己是捡了别人不要的剩饭。当然,我知道她不是故意的。我就回笑了一下然后告诉自己:“这条围巾这么特别。它一直在等待它的伯乐。”

Thank you so much for reading! Hope you are having a great week so far.
Shirt: Club Monaco (old, similar here)
Top: Club Monaco (old, similar here)
Scarf: H&M (current, similar here | love this spring scarf)
Jeans: Hollister (on sale here)
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