From Edmonton to Calgary to Toronto, Mercedes-Benz Start-Up winner Malorie Urbanovitch and her label has come a long way. And luckily, we have been there to witness her success and growth and are truly happy to hear that her Spring/Summer 2014 collection will be available at Gravity Pope stores national wide.
Last week we were invited to visit her show room during World MasterCard Fashion Week and got to have a little chat with this lovely lady.
从埃德蒙顿到卡尔加里再到多伦多,这个奔驰设计师新秀大赛比赛的冠军和她的品牌一路走来,越走越远,越走越成功。我们有幸能在这一路目睹她的成功和成长,并且对她2014年的春夏系列即将在全国的Gravity Pope售卖而特别为她感到高兴。上周在多伦多国际时装周期间,我们被邀请到她的展示室去近距离地感受了她服饰的布料和材质并与这位聪慧的女孩进行了一个简短的访谈。
Along with Dreamboat Lucy, Malorie Urbanovitch won the Mercedes-Benz Start Up Semi Final in Calgary in April, 2013 |
Malorie Urbanovitch was the co-winner of Mercedes-Benz Start Up Final Competition in Toronto in October, 2013 |
Malorie Urbanovitch and her model in her showroom during World MasterCard Fashion Week 2014
Started her label MalorieUrbanovitch in Edmonton, Malorie says she is very grateful for all the local support she has been given and is very lucky to be able to create something fresh in a not-so-crowded city.
"But I can't be the one to start an industry there. The atmosphere is just not there yet." She says. If they decide to make a move, then the next destination should be Toronto. "We haven't decided it yet, but we do feel that being so far away from the centre does feel inconvenient," she adds: "For example this time when people asked us if they can visit the show room next week, we just had to say no. We won't be here anymore. We are leaving on Saturday." Although moving to Toronto is still not a set-in-stone plan yet, Malorie does feel that being in the fashion centre of Canada might just be what her label needs right now.
“但是我没有办法作为那个来创建整个时尚社区的人。那里的整个大环境并不具备。” 如果他们决定换个城市的话,那应该会选择多伦多作为下一站。“我们还没有作出决定,但是觉得离中心城市这么远确实给我们带来很多不便。” 她又说:“比如说这次,许多人问我们他们是否可以下个星期再来我们的展示室,我们只能说不行。我们这个星期六就离开了。” 所以尽管搬家这个计划还尘埃未定,但Malorie觉得在中心城市可能正是她的品牌目前所需要的。
When I asked about her takes on fast fashion and whether the affordable clothing from big retailers is affecting local designers like her, she paused and answered: "Yes, I do think that fast fashion is affecting us as many people just want to buy something cheap and wear it for one season...But I do also believe that some women would love to have some investment pieces in her closet that she can wear for a long time and even pass on to her daughter. "
It is interesting but not so surprising when Malorie told me she is not a big fan of trends. "Whenever people asked me what current trends I like, I always told them that I hate trends. I don't follow trends at all. " To me, this actually ties in with the momentum of her design and label- minimalist with a contemporary twist. "I'm so inspired by the effortless-chic Parisian style that looks unintentional but yet so chic and stylish."
有趣但并不令我惊讶地是Malorie说她对流行元素并不感冒。“每当别人问我喜欢什么当下流行的元素的时候,我都会说我讨厌流行元素。我从来不跟从流行的。” 我觉得这其实跟她的设计理念是相辅相成的-简约现代派。 “那种巴黎街头的随性时尚非常感染我,看起来不经意的搭配却那么时尚又有个性。”

Thank you so much for reading!
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