So, we have survived the first and second day of World MasterCard Fashion Week. It may seem glamourous that we get to dress up and sit around to look at shows, but trust me, the behind the scene pictures are not being captured (LOL). We had to squeeze 20 mins between shows to eat. And since it was pretty late, the only place that was opened and close by was this Chinese booth in a food court. Although the food was already cold and dry, it tasted like the five star hotel gourmet as I was super starving. But of course, the pay-off is rewarding when you know how much time, effort and dedication are needed for all the designers, models, make-up artists and volunteers to put up an amazing show like this.
Anyway, let's get into it!
This Ontario College of Art and Design alumni has been integrating his Hungarian heritage into his design since last reconstruction of his label in 2013. Although his collection mainly is menswear, I personally really enjoyed his women's pieces on the runway yesterday. Maybe due to his educational background in sculpture, his F/W 14 collection is very structured and architectural, yet attractive and approachable.

Since this young designer showcased her Spring/Summer 14 collection last year at the Toronto Fashion week, many fashion lovers (including me) have been looking forward to her Fall/Winter collection. Her unique fabric choices, cuts, and matches have made her collection one of the most wanted for magazine editorials and local boutique buyers. This year, she has taken her international collaboration to the next level by partnering with hand-crafted jewellers in Africa.
Being one of the two Mercedes Benz Start-Up competition winners, Matière Noire's designer Cécile Raizonville truly put up a good show despite the pressure. The school girl vibe with an edgy twist was the tone that the whole collection was going for , and then achieved. Bravo!
奔驰新生代设计师大赛的获奖者之一Cécile Raizonville众望所归,展现出了一台高水准的秀。她所打造的学生气息和酷酷风相结合的路线确实非常别出心裁。好样的!
Right after Cécile Raizonville showcased her F/W14 collection, the runway was adjusted to a much brighter atmosphere. It was like night and day between these two winners. Malorie Urbanovitch's F/W14 collection continues its parisians' minimalist and effortless-chic vibe.
在Cécile Raizonville展示了她的秋冬系列之后,T台上的灯马上被调亮了并且来了个夜到日的更换。另一个获奖者,来自卡尔加里的设计师Malorie Urbanovitch延续了她那种巴黎街头轻松潇洒和简约的独特风格。
This Montreal-based designer's show really won my heart. Not only her easy-to-wear pieces looked gorgeous and irresistible, her unique items are believed to become editors' favourites for magazines. During the whole show, I kept hearing myself saying: "Woah, can we talk about that scarf?" "Oh my, the bag is just perfect!" "Wish I could wear that jumper right now!!"...
Yes, I do talk to myself when I get super excited. haha
这个来自蒙特利尔的品牌昨晚毫无保留地拢获了我的心。不仅她的那些轻松上身的服装非常华丽而让人难以抗拒,还有一些单品更是另人惊叹。整场秀,我都在跟自己说话:“那条围巾实在是太美了。” “哇,那个手提袋,天哪!” “要是我有那条连衣裙就好了!”。。。
Last but definitely not the least, full-house attendees witnessed David Dixon's first bridal collection and celebrated LOVE together. Despite the fact that I was a little bit disappointed when I found out this show would only be showcasing his bridal dresses-"White Label", I was still looking forward to what David has put together for this special collaboration for Kleinfeld Hudson's Bay. The end result? The collection is no disappointment. The fine fabrics, clean lines, and modern silhouettes are truly dreamy and romantic.
最后展出的就是众所期待的David Dixon啦。全场满座,观众们一起目睹了他首次的婚纱系列并且共同感受到了浓浓的爱意。尽管一开始得知他的秀将会仅仅展出婚纱系列的时候,我有小小的失落,不过,我还是抱着满心期待的心情等待着。结果呢?他确实没有令大家失望。他的婚纱群不仅具有独一无二的设计,别出心裁的裁剪,还保留了传统的质感和颜色搭配。非常梦幻!
Thank you so much for reading! Talk to you tomorrow!
Photography: George Pimentel / Getty Images
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