Hi everyone,
Happy Monday! How was your weekend? We have a fairly big announcement to make today. Are you ready??
Attention, attention please!! In a hope of being the bridge between the mainstream society and the Asian community in the Fashion and Beauty world, from now on, Sasha's Satisfashion will be in two languages: English and Chinese! In addition, we are also very active on Weibo (Chinese version of Twitter), so please feel free to get connected on that site as well.
Of course, we will be more than happy to hear your thoughts!
Haha, now you can also learn Chinese with me. :)
Canada's biggest semi-annual fashion event was just kicked off unofficially by Mikhael Kale's
SS14 fashion show last Friday with a full house attendance. This is my
first time covering World MasterCard Fashion Week, and the excitement
and joy is definitely beyond words.
and I were also very thrilled to be invited backstage to witness where all the magic began. It was only 45 minutes away from the
show when we were heading to the backstage, so I was expecting to see
all the models running around, volunteers trying to help, and all the
artists looking very nervous and rushed. However, the backstage was
surprisingly calm and laid-back. Everybody was in a relaxing mode while still preparing for the show methodically and professionally.
There is a Chinese saying: Years of work leads up to a one minute show. Going to the backstage is not only interesting because we were able to see all the actions behind the scene, but also because of getting to witness all the hard work and preparation behind the glamour. Every little detail, from nail, to make-up, to hair style, and even to shoes and accessories are what made the show successful.
加拿大最為盛大,半年一次的時尚秀上個週五拉開了帷幕。本土設計師Mikhael Kale 2014年春夏系列的秀場座無虛席。這也是我第一次參與加拿大的這場世界級的時裝秀,所以可以想像我的興奮和激動有多麼難以言喻。
It was such a pleasure chatting with the lead nail artist for the show: Rita Remark.
"Maybe it's because the show is off-site, this is the most calm backstage I have ever seen!"She shared with me while showing me the artificial nails for all the models. "Nude colour can make models' nails look more natural, and by adding a little gold at the top gives the look a more fun and glamourous twist without stealing the spot lights from the cloths. "
我很榮幸可以採訪到這場走秀的首席美甲師Rita Remark。她對我說:“有可能因為這場走秀不在主秀場的緣故吧,這是我看見過最冷靜不亂的後台了。”在向我展示本場美甲的設計時,她還說:“這次採用的裸色系可以讓指甲看起來更自然,加上金色的點綴,讓整體感覺很靚麗的同時,又不會奪去了衣服的光彩。”
To me, hair style can represent and showcase a person's personality and mood. It is the most valuable "accessory" that is attached to our body and free to have, so why not take good care of it and take advantage of the beauty it can bring to you. It can be like a statement necklace to lighten up your whole look, but if not styled correctly, it can also be a flaw that ruins the outfit.
The hair stylist for the show is Cindy Duplantis from Redken, who has been involved with the World MasterCard Fashion Week for the fourth year now. Since many of the models and staff have been working together for quite a while, Cindy said :"Many of them just like families, you know." In terms of what kinds of look they would pursue, Cindy said that they have chatted with Mikhael and would follow his vision. I'm sure that team work is certainly important and joyful.
這次的髮型師是來自Redken的Cindy Duplantis。她已經和加拿大時尚周合作超過四個年頭了。就因為和許多模特和助手都已經合作過多次了,她說:“他們中的許多人就像親人一樣。”至於要給模特設計什麼樣的髮型,Cindy說已經和設計師商討過,會根據他的想法走。
Here is the photo of one of the models Sadie Ames and I. Well, I look very short with no surprise. LOL
這是我跟其中一個模特Sadie Ames的照片,我知道,我看起來真的好矮啊。。。
The show was taking place at 100 Broadview Avenue where is a very raw and industrial space with unfinished renovation at some corners. Well, that is what makes this space unique, isn't it?
Here we go, SHOW TIME!
Spring and Summer is all about colours, patterns and different textures. Mikhael Kale is no stranger to that. In his SS14 collection, we could see many bright colours, like baby purple, fresh green, hot red and even shinny gold, as well as mixing and matching the tough materials with soft textures together. The looks are very contemporary, futuristic and modern.
"The construction and geometry of the collection was inspired by the illustrator and artist Mary Reid. I went to New York and saw some of her works, which were very haunting, beautiful, and full of depth." - Mikhael Kale
Interestingly, when I asked Mikhael what was the idea behind the mixing and matching, like leather goes with villus, he laughed: "Well, I was just having fun with it. I get bored very quickly, so I just want to do some experiment with it."
Yes, I fully agree. Fashion is about creativity, fun, and stepping out of your comfort zones.
春夏季一般會流行鮮艷的顏色,圖案,和不同質感的衣服,Mikhael Kale的設計當然也不例外。在他2014年春秋季系列中,我們可以看到很多,像淺藍色,嫩綠色,大紅色,甚至是閃光金色等等的亮色系列,而他也有很多軟硬質感相結合的衣服,比如有皮配絨毛之類的組合。整體感覺非常現代,摩登,俱有很強的時代感。
“我幾何形狀的設計靈感來自於著名的藝術家,插畫家Mary Reid。我曾經到紐約看了她的一些作品,令我覺得非常幻滅,美麗,充滿了意味。”
Here is Mikhael Kale and I after the show.
我和Mikhael Kale 的合影

Thank you so much for being on this journey with us. Stay tuned for many other great shows!
Photography: Stephen Foks
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