Saturday, October 26, 2013

World MasterCard Fashion Week- Day 2

Hi everyone,

World MasterCard Fashion Week just wrapped up tonight with an amazing show from Mikael D. Although it felt quite relief after a busy week of attending all the shows while still working part-time, it actually made me feel very sad that the fashion week was already over. It was definitely a very unique and satisfying experience for both Mr. S and I. We can't wait to share the highlights with you in the next few days. Now that the fashion week is over, I can actually sit down and write up all the shows we have been with plenty of personal experiences.

多倫多時裝周終於在今晚以一場Mikael D精彩的秀劃上了完美的句號。儘管一想到明早可以睡懶覺,穿著睡衣在家看電影,就有一種放鬆的感覺,但是一想到時裝周結束了,心裡還是有一種莫名的失落。這次絕對是一個難忘且充滿滿足感的經歷。我們會在接下來的幾天裡,把我們去過的秀場和親身的體驗與你們分享的。

Show ONE- JNBY Canada

JNBY is a label originally from China, which is an acronym for "Just Naturally Be Yourself". This brand is aimed for a more organic and clean look, and its SS14 collection has successfully showcased effortlessly chic vibe. Many solid black and white shades, transparent and layer-able pieces, as well as some faded prints and patterns were the highlights of the show. The minimalist vibe was throughout the whole collection, and definitely added a special scene to the World MasterCard Fashion week.


Show Two- Mercedes- Benz Start-up Final 

This was one of the shows that I was so looking forward to see. Not only because it was a competition and had a mysterious and tease flavour to it, but also because back in March,  Mr. S and I had been to one of the semi-final competitions held in Calgary, Alberta. It was so good to see many talents from different parts of the country to showcase a wide of variety of unique designs.

The result supposed to be one winner out of eight designers, but the history of Mercedes- Benz Start-Up had actually been refreshed. The judge couldn't make their decision to just pick one, so they had to give the award to two designers. They were Edmonton's Malorie Urbanovitch and Cecile Raizonville of Montreal. Although they were truly talented and did showcase two beautiful collections, personally, they weren't my favourite. Enough big talk from me, now let the photos do the talking!

本來應該在8名進入總決賽的設計師中,選出一名作為最後的勝者。不過,評委認為有兩名設計師的水平相當,很難一決高下。所以,最後便把勝利的頭銜同時頒給了兩名。他們是埃德蒙頓的Malorie Urbanovitch 和蒙特利爾的Cecile Raizonville。 


1. DreamBoat Lucy

2. Faded Lifestyle

3. Eliza Faulkner Designs

4. Hip and Bone

5. Malorie Urbanovitch 

6. HD Homme 

7. Matière Noire

8. Pedram Karimi

Thank you so much for reading and being on this journey with us!

Photography: Stephen Foks

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