Hi everyone,
Happy Saturday! Do you have any plans for the weekend? It was actually my birthday yesterday. Oh Yeah, Happy belated birthday to me....(so cheesy LOL)
Mr.S and I celebrated my birthday by attending World MasterCard Fashion Week's first fashion show last night. Witnessing the beautiful collection from the talented Mikhael Kale was definitely very satisfying and rewarding. We will share that unique experience with you next time. Until then, hope you all are enjoying your weekend so far!
Three days ago when I was going to an event, I had the longest decision-making process of finding the perfect cloths to wear. I searched far and wide in my closet for a LONG time, and still had no result. I got very frustrated and even felt like I had lost my fashion sense and the ability to mix and match. Then I started to think maybe it's time to hit the mall and get some new pieces.
However, when I was so stuck and upset, this blue little sweater that I got few months ago just popped out right in front of me. "Well, well, well, maybe it's time to go for the Blue and Black combo..." I was telling myself (Yes, I talk to myself some time).
So here you go, something simple and casual on the blog today. :)
Who said that you can't layer up two collars? Hmm...I just love this little add-up to my outfit. Fashion is always about creativity and fun, isn't it? If you have been following my blog, you probably know my recent addition to Black and Blue combo (here and here). However, these two colours can get quite boring some time, so adding a little bright colour is essential and key.
Although my passion for fashion is not doubtful, I have to be honest to say that I am really not a tech savvy person. So every time when people are laughing at older people who can't use internet, I start to get the vision that it would be me in few decades. It's just because that sometimes I am really behind of all the fancy new technologies.
Well, there was a chance for me to actually learn something from all the tech experts and to find what I need to improve on. Hosted by Fashion Forward at the Hard Rock Cafe right at Dundas Square, Fashion in the Digital World 2.0 had really given fashionistas and tech people an opportunity to meet and learn from each other. Many great panelists, like Freedom Culture, Luevo, The Shop Society and The Fashion Society gave out great speeches and shared the experiences that we might be able to pick up from.

Not only was I absorbing all the nutrition from the panelists, but also got to meet many interesting and hard working vendors in the event. I chatted with Lilian Motta, the Jewelry designer of The Gaia Collection. Her travel and backpacking stories have touched the bottom of my heart and inspired me. Our conversation encouraged me to keep believing that being successful in this competitive fashion and design industry is not easy, but if you truly show who you are and continue to improve yourself, things will always get better and brighter, and life experience will for sure be richer and more colourful. :)
Thank you so much for reading!
Photography: Stephen Foks
Great write up on "Fashion in the Digital World 2.0" event! Thank you for joining us and your support! @melvinc7 @ifashionforward