American popular eyewear Warby Parker just launched their newest Beacon Collection with trendy glasses that allow you to look fun and cute yet sophisticated and polished.
美国当红眼镜品牌 Warby Parker 的最新 Beacon 系列刚刚上市。这个系列的眼镜可以让你戴起来既可爱阳光又不失稳重和成熟。
On Monday, we talked about accommodating outfits with your partners (here) and now we can add one more way to look fashionable together- wearing statement eyewear. From day to night, from office meeting to work party, from 9-to-5 chic to evening glam, from coffee hang-out to dinner date, from Chinese take-outs to fine dinning restaurants, a pair of Beacon can easily help you to make that perfect transition. I know eh! Such a magical accessory piece!
周一我们才聊到如何打造情侣装 (这里),今天我们可以再加一种能让你和你的那位一起走在时尚前沿的方法,那就是搭配好看的眼镜。无论是从白天到晚上,从上班到之后同事聚会,从朝九晚五的商务装到晚上的盛装打扮,从咖啡小聚到约会,从中餐外卖到高级餐厅,一副Beacon的眼镜都可以帮你进行一个完美的角色转换。是的,它的设计使其成为一个百战皆胜的饰品。
And the best part? While looking great, you can also feel good as well because of Warby Parker's Buy A Pair, Give A Pair project. Through their work, over 100 million pairs of glasses have already been distributed to people who live in places that has no access to eyewear.
As someone who is short-sighted, the very first thing I do EVERY single morning is reaching for my glasses. I remember on a Christmas day morning, Mr.S's family and I were sitting around opening presents. Since my glasses was nowhere to be found, I was't able to see everybody's reaction or facial expressions. "Are they looking at me?" "Are they smiling?" "How do they like my presents?"... I was thinking all of that to myself. That was one of the most devastating moments of my life. So it's very hard to image that over 700 million people on this planet still have no access to eyewear. Warby Parker is truly doing something amazing! And now you can be part of this project too. This is the best example of fashion meets love and gesture!
最重要地是,通过他们的买一副,给予一副的项目,你不仅可以走在时尚的前沿,还可以做善事呢。这个项目到目前已经给出超过一亿副眼镜了。对于有近视眼的我来说,每天早上我做的第一件事就是到处抓我的眼睛。我记得有年圣诞节早上,我在S先生家和他的一家人坐在一起拆礼物。由于我那天不知道把眼镜放哪里了,完全看不见别人的各种眼神和表情。那可谓是我觉得最沮丧的时刻了。我难以想象全世界有超过7亿人没有办法买到或支付得起眼镜。所以我觉得Warby Parker的这个公益事业真的做的很好。现在你也可以帮助他们继续做善事。这就是当时尚和爱相遇的美好故事。
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