Hi everyone,
Happy in-the-middle-of-the-week Day!!
I know World MasterCard Fashion Week has already wrapped up almost a month ago, so I was actually debating if we should post this up. It's nothing new anymore and many of you probably already seen tons of pictures on other sites and media platforms.
However, after a long thinking process (well, not TOO long), I still decided to share part two with you which includes colourful BUSTLE clothing and the best show of the week from MIKAEL D (at least in my opinion). First of all, a series can't only have Part One without a second episode, right? Secondly, there are just so many things that I'd love to share with you regarding these two collections. Lastly and most importantly, Mr.S really dedicated himself into these two shows and snapped plenty of absolutely amazing photos.
SO, here we are!
我知道加拿大时装周在将近一个月以前就已经结束了,所以对要不要写这篇博客,我一开始比较犹豫,因为你们可能已经在各大网站上看到了各种照片和介绍。不过,经过深思熟虑之后(也没有想很久啦),我还是决定与你们分享最后这一天,有包括色彩系列的BUSTLE, 和我认为是整一周下来最精彩的MIKAEL D的秀场。 原因有这些:第一,如果只有前半段,没有后半段的话,说不过去啦。第二,关于这两个设计师的系列,我确实有很多想要与大家分享的东西。最后也是最重要的就是,S先生在最后这两场秀上花了不少功夫,拍下了许多很棒的照片。
Interesting about this label is that it was founded by Shawn Hewson and Ruth Promislow, who both are Bay street lawyers. You would think lawyers are mostly pretty rigid and serious due to the needs of their professions, however, this is not the case here. During the past shows they did, not only their collections, but also the way of showcasing on runways were very creative and fun. They have always come up with the most unique ways to standout and catch people's attention. This year, there is no difference. Models carrying cameras on their necks pretending taking pictures of Photographers; high-fiving each other on the runway; and posing fun catwalk poses...the whole atmosphere had taken the audiences to a Summer day in Hawaii.
关于这个品牌最有趣的就是,它是由两名Bay街上的律师Shawn Hewson和Ruth Promislow设计建立的。律师们一般给人一种比较严肃的感觉,这当然也是他们的职业所需。不过,这两名律师的则有完全不同的形势作风 (至少在T台上)。他们的服装系列向来非常具有创意,就连如何在T台上展现出来,也别具一番风味。他们会想方设法地让观众眼前一亮。今年当然也一样。模特们用挂在脖子上的相机假装地给摄影师们拍照,在T台上互相击掌,并摆出很可爱特别的姿势。整个气氛就感觉把观众带到了夏天的夏威夷。
MIKAEL D- Couture Dream
Mikael D's fashion show was not just a show, but a performance, a drama, a dream. From changing the runway to an unique mirror surface, to creating a dreamy environment by introducing fog machine, it not only gave audiences a special treat, but also took World MasterCard Fashion Week to a more unbelievable and desirable level.
Once the first model appeared under the spot lights, I could start to hear my own heartbeat and breathe. Some dresses were purely associated with princess and cinderella, some were just simply reminded me of beautiful mermaids, and some were surely the spokesperson for sexy and classy. From lace to tutu, from black and white to purple and green, the collection took the audiences to a spectacular journey. Even just by looking at the photos right now as I'm writing this post, it still excites me. :)
Mikael D的春夏展出不仅仅是一场时装秀,还是一场表演,一场戏剧,一场梦。把T台变成了一块巨大的镜子,并且制造了烟雾弹,不仅给观众们一个梦幻般的特殊待遇,还把整个时装周升级到了一个难以置信的奇幻境界。

Thank you so much for reading!
Photography: Stephen Foks
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