Hi everyone,
Happy Monday! I know World MasterCard Fashion Week has ended few weeks ago, but it's never too late to appreciate all the beautiful collections, right? :)
The truth is that Mr.S and I have been super sick with some nasty flu that seemed will never go away...coughing, headaches, running nose..not fun, not fun! We have tried all kinds of "medicine": Tylenol, hot tea with honey, sleep, hot tub...
It's finally gone after almost two weeks of misery!
Okay, let's get back to the Fashion Week. The last day of fashion week was packed with amazing shows and beautiful surprises.
Stephan Caras's SS'14 collection showcased feminism and sophistication to its fullest. Without any reservation, pearls were the highlights throughout the whole collection. White, black and pink were the three main colours to embrace this coming Spring.
周一好!我知道加拿大国际时装州已经过去好几个星期了,但是欣赏美丽的时装应该还不迟吧? :)
事实上,S先生和我在这段时间一直生病,得了流感,那个痛苦实在难以形容。咳嗽,头痛,鼻涕眼泪的。。。可以说,我们尝试了各种“灵丹妙药”:Tylenol, 热茶加蜂蜜,美人觉,泡温泉。。。过了将近两个星期才结束了我们的痛苦!
好吧,回到加拿大时装周来。时装周的最后一天可以说排满了精彩的秀场并充满了美丽的惊喜。 Stephan Caras 的14年春夏系列将女性化和优雅展现到了极致。珍珠毫无保留地贯穿了整个系列。白色,黑色,粉红色也是这个系列地三个重点色,这也将完美地迎合春天吧。
What I've learnt from attending fashion week was that it's essential to wear something trendy and unique yet having to sacrifice comfort (as we had to walk around talking to people and interviewing make-up artists and designers.)
KENTON杂志的创始人/主编 Alexandra Liang 和我
I was very honoured to be invited backstage to chat with Maybelline Lead Makeup Artist Grace Lee, and many beautiful models. Honestly, the backstage was quite chaotic, but craziness was the factor that led to excitements. I asked Grace: "Normally, how long does it take you to finish a model's makeup?" She answered: "Time is the biggest enemy backstage. I wish I could have more time, but I have to finish one look within 10-15 minutes."
我非常荣幸地被邀请到后台去采访美宝莲的首席化妆师,Grace Lee,并能与许多模特聊天。实话说,后台确实是一片混乱,但正是因为这种疯狂,才会有激情与刺激。我问Grace:“通常你要花费多长时间帮一个模特化妆呢?” 她回答:“在后台,时间是我们最大的敌人。我希望我有更多的时间,但我一般在一个模特身上只能花费10到15分钟。”

(Maybelline Lead makeup artist, Grace Lee and I )
美宝莲首席化妆师, Grace Lee和我
(Chatting with Grace. Yes, I was very concentrated. )
(One of the models. Sorry...I forgot to ask her name, but she was surely beautiful and tall. )

Photography: Stephen Foks
love the pearl "sleeves" of the collection! :*