Hi everyone, happy Tuesday!
With today's look, I played with two of the most classic fashion elements- black and white combo + lace on lace ensemble to embrace the long-awaited spring weather.
If you are following me on Instagram, you probably already knew the story behind this white lace shorts. Although it's a cute little piece, I have to admit that the vibe it brings out is too casual and playful, so how to transform it to a more adult appropriate look is definitely a challenge. It thus became the centre piece for me to play around with when putting this look together. While browsing through my closet, I found this lace top with a white collar and grabbed it without a second thought. But then, the look just got a little bit too predicable (a.k.a boring), so I decided to put on this sleeveless blazer I got from Zara last year which I have never gotten a chance to wear. Voila! The look instantly became completed and polished, and most importantly got rid of that beach feel and high school vibe.
对于今天的这身穿着呢,我选择了两个重要的时尚元素-黑配白+蕾丝搭蕾丝来迎接这个迟到的春天。 如果你们关注我Instagram的话,就会知道关于这条白色蕾丝小短裤背后的故事了。尽管这条短裤非常可爱,但我必须承认它确实看起来比较小女孩也过于随性,所以要想把它穿出一种气质感强的成熟风的话,还是需要在搭配上下一番功夫的。所以我就以这条裤子作为这次搭配的起点。当我在衣橱里发现了这件带白领的黑色蕾丝上衣时,我立马就看重眼了,觉得特别搭。但是感觉整身看起来缺乏新意感,创意度不够高。我于是决定把这件白色的马甲试西装穿上来看看。结果,整个味道立刻焕然一新,更加具有立体感,同时,也摆脱了那种孩子气和高中生的感觉。
Thank you so much for reading! Talk soon! :)
Top: Haight & Ashbury (old, similar here | here | here | here)
Shorts: Urban Outfitters (current, similar here | here)
Blazer: Zara (old, similar here)
Shoes: Call It Spring (current, similar here)
Sunnies: BCBGeneration
Very cute outfit! I love your pink shoes.
Thank you Mitch :)